Sunday, May 06, 2007

McEnroe in The Morning?

As we enter Week 4 AI (After Imus), WFAN is still picking itself up off the ground. Exit Boomer Esiason, enter John and Patrick McEnroe, followed by Geraldo. Sounds like an afternoon on NBC. Don't let management fool you, the only reason the FAN continues to shuffle hosts in and out faster than the Yankee starting rotation is because they simply don't have an answer.

This decision is crucial, and they need an established personality that can draw ratings. But the more time they waste, the more traction Mike and Mike will gain on ESPN Radio. Greeny and Golic already own the ratings for the target audience, and have a great show. Their chemistry, plus the right mix of entertainment, with general sports, with premium guest, with hard sports news, add up to a better overall show than Mike and the Mad Dog, though it lacks the personalized NY approach.

I heard a rumbling about Bob Costas this week, which would be great for WFAN. However, I simply can not see Costas taking such a role, and seemingly the rumor went by the waste side. The FAN needs to come up with someone that is a reach for the spot, and is prominent in the New York area. Think prominent ex-players combined with radio veterans. Personally, anything short of a Costas, or a Jim Rome, is likely to fail, or at least run a distant second to Mike and Mike.

One way or the other, Chernoff better make a decision soon, before the entire morning audience forgets where 660 is on the dial. And, please no David Lee Roth this time.


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